Previous versions style exportation was done one at a time, now it is up to 100 styles at once) NEW - Style exportation of the styles from the Styles Selection Grid into the folder of your choice on your computer. NEW - Improved Style Reorganization/Location via style Grouping, style Filtering and Sorting. NEW - FAST STYLE ACCESS : Advanced Search/Filter the styles by musical genre entering a search criteria.

NEW - Group the styles by tempo, time sig., musical genre, cascade the groupings. NEW - Style Playback handled by mouse or PC keyboard for fast style previewing. NEW - Play,Pause,Forward,Backward, adjust the volume of the playback style. NEW - Select the styles using drag & drop for convenient and easy style selection. NEW - Style Selection System using 2 grids (style collection & style selection). NEW - Style playback design using a huge synth engine sample based playback. GIGASTYLECOLLECTION SOFTWARE FEATURES LIST (NOTE : NEW stands for V3.00 new features): NEW - Completely Redesigned GUI. The software can play / pause / forward / backward the styles of the collection, now it will enable you many more things. IMPROVED BUNDLED SOFTWARE Giga Style Collection is not only a gigantic style bank, this style library is bundled with a unique and powerful software for managing the styles of the collection. PAT format : The styles are complete, with the appropriate number of Intros, Mains, Fills & Endings MUSICAL GENRES COVERED The Styles Cover Any Music Types/Genres and are Ready to load into your Arranger Keyboard : JAZZ/ROCK&POP/DANCE/LATIN & FUNK/50's/60's/70's/R&B/GOSPEL & WORLD MUSIC. COLOSSAL STYLE COLLECTION More than 9457 Styles Are Now Part of the Collection in this new V3.00 Styles are in Solton.